Whelping and raising puppies can be stressful and one would have thought after ten litters we would be okay with it all - well we are in many aspects but the most stressful time for Louise and I is when it comes to taking posed photos of the pups ... saying that, the pups never seem to mind, its just the humans that stress about it!
We got there in the end however. and the results of our endeavours can be seen on the Kiva Legacy Litter page which can be seen here as well as a few shots below.
If you're saying to yourself "how do you tell them apart?" it's actually a lot easier in the fur - and when they're on their backs (especially Rachel ;-) for obvious reasons).




As well as it being photo weekend (sorry about the shirts in the background - I won't make that mistake again) it would also see the puppies first visitors - four sets of them in fact - so we were hoping that they would take meeting new faces in their strides as well.
Saturday saw Wesley and Charlotte join us for a bite to eat and to meet the pups - it had already been agreed that they would be having a girl, so Rachel, who would be known as Nolla by them, obviously got most of their attention ;-)
Nolla (which translates as ZERO) would be their first dog as a couple however they had both had dogs in their lives. Bizarrely Wesley's parents live just down the road from another Finnish Lappy owning family who have 2 dogs related to Lumikoiras - not to be left out Charlotte also had a connection to Lappies as she used to go to school with the daughter of a couple whose 2 Finnish Lapphunds have been regular guests of ours at Dogs to Stay.
On Sunday morning we were joined by Sophie and Mike, a couple hoping to have a pup from us this year, either one from this litter or from Tiia's litter which is due soon. We have known Sophie for some time as she is the sister of the girl that Charlotte went to school with ... it's a small world. Sophie was particularly taken by Joey (who she dubbed "Tippex Head") - Mike loved them all.
Early afternoon saw a flying visit from Sue Croft who owns Kissa, the litter's granddad. With her came her daughter and grandson which meant that the pups were able to meet their first little person.
Later that afternoon we were joined by another family we have known for sometime and were experienced Lappy owners. Sadly they had to say goodbye to Zomba earlier in the year (he was 15) and they were hoping to fill the hole he left with one of Kassi or Tiia's pups.
The pups had been unfazed throughout the weekend - though Lou and I were exhausted. The evening and night passed peacefully and it meant that we had been able to check a few things off the puppy socialisation list.
Come back soon for more Legacy Litter updates and news of Tiia's litter which is due in a few days time.
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